God is right there in your crisis!

God is right there in your Crisis!  

We are all experiencing a world in crisis.  I have read about the word “pandemic” for years but never really thought that I would experience it. Yet, here I am.  How are you doing?  I know that I am leaning into God’s Word and choosing to trust God with my future. I would like to say it’s been easy to do but I have to remind myself daily that God is control. A few days ago in my prayer time, I asked the Lord to give everyone wisdom during this crisis.  Later that day, “Crisis” kept popping into my mind and I realized that I needed to write down my thoughts that surrounded the word – Crisis.  I want to share them with you. 

I have a choice as to how I will live and operate during this CRISIS. The choice is mine to make. Will I choose to be…

Consumed with questions or will I be Christ-centered

Resigned to my perceived ill-fate or be Resolute in my faith 

Indulged in self-pity or will I choose to Invoke God’s Word

Scared daily and fearful of the future or Surrendered to God’s plan

Immobilized in my witness or will I be an Igniter of God’s Light to this world

Sinking into despair of the unknown or will I Stand on the Promises of God 


Perhaps you are looking at this acronym/acrostic and you saying, ”Of course I want to be Christ-centered – Resolute in my faith – Invoking the Word – Surrendered to God’s plan – an Igniter of God’s light and Stand on the Promises of God! How do I do that?      


Jesus said in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Jesus is the answer to all our concerns and fears. Do you want His Peace? Do these things: 

Pursue God. Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to seek God with all your heart,

            mind, soul, and strength. This is the first step in finding peace.           

Engage your community – the 2nd part of Jesus’ great commandment – Love your neighbor and     

do good to your neighbor. What a wonderful opportunity we have to show God’s love.

Ask God for daily purpose and wisdom. Each day, each hour that we have breath there is

            purpose. Ask God to show you your daily purpose. And the wisdom to pursue it.   

Count your blessings! God promises to never leave nor forsake us. Take opportunity to write   

            down all the ways God shows up for you. You can start with the next breath you take.  

Exercise and eat healthy – this may not sound very “spiritual” but plain and simple, we need to

            take care of the body God gave us. Exercise and healthy eating impacts our body and       mind. As scripture states we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. (ICor.6:19)


We will come through this. God promises to never leave or forsake us. And He never breaks a promise. I leave you this reminder from Psalm 121 …. “lift up your eyes…”