Greetings Friends and Partners!
The following was a message I received from our Pakistan field director, Sister Shazia:
“God chose me to discuss to them about the message of salvation and received blessings from heaven It’s great news that all women have heart to learn more about the Christ Lord of Lord King of king.”
Sister Shazia shared the love of Jesus recently with Afghan refugees that have settled in camps in Pakistan. Because of IWM supporters we were able to feed some, share the gospel and break bread together with them. Sister Shazia observed the harvest is ripe amongst the refugees.
Below you will see photos from this outreach in the Province of Balochistan in the city of Quetta.
Thank you again to all of our generous donors and supporters. The IWM team plans to go back in October to follow-up with new believers that want to be baptized. Pray for strengthened relationships with the new converts. We are excited to see what God is doing.
Together in the Harvest!
Autumn Nims