Fear not! I am with you!

Fear Not—He Is With You


“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).


I first learned this verse when I was just a teenager.  A man in our church ran a Christian bookstore, so he had access to all kinds of Christian paraphernalia.  One day he gave me a small plastic calendar the size of a credit card.  It had the entire year (1974) printed on one side and Isaiah 41:10 on the other side.  Prompted by this gift, I decided to memorize this verse.  I am so glad I did.


This Scripture first became important to me the day of my mother’s funeral.  Shortly before the service was to begin, I was in the funeral home standing next to her coffin.  As I looked on my mother, grieving that I had lost her, I suddenly heard the Holy Spirit remind me of this verse.  He was speaking directly to my heart.  As I listened to His voice telling me to “fear not,” I felt a divine peace wash over my soul.  It was like I was baptized in Shalom.  Then it seemed as though the chapel itself filled with the peace of the Lord.  There was such a powerful sense of calming comfort and quiet assurance that many others felt it.  Several people later commented on the peace that permeated the service.  Yes, we still mourned, yet we also sensed the tranquility of God’s presence.


The promise and comfort of this verse has served me well through the years.  There are been innumerable times when I have been sad, lonely, afraid, or distressed and Isaiah’s words would come to mind.  They were such a help to me.  Many times I would again be aware of the stillness of God’s presence and find reassurance from His promises found here.  So often this verse has been a source of comfort, strength and hope to me.  It is probably the verse I return to more often than any other.


But, what is there about this verse.  Yes, it says, “Fear not!”  But why?  Why should we not be afraid?  There is so much in the world that should (and does) cause us fear.  There are so many things in life that are plain terrifying.  So why “fear not”?  The answer is found right there, in the words of the Lord spoken through the prophet.  Hear His voice.


God says, “Do not be afraid.  Do not be dismayed.”


Why not, God?  “Because I am with you.”


Why not, God?  “Because I will strengthen you.”


Why not, God?  “Because I will help you.”


Why not, God?  “Because I will hold you up with my own hand of righteousness.”


That is why we should not fear.  He is with us.  He has promised to help us in every way we need.  He is here.  He is by our side.  He will not leave us alone.  He will take care of us.  He will provide everything we need, including His very gift of peace.


This is my prayer for you today:  May the peace of the Lord stand guard over your heart and soul.  May you not know fear, for He is with you.  May you comprehend that if He is with you, you have all that you really need!  Fear not.

By Pastor Victor Morris

Pastor Morris serves as the the Advancing Native Missions staff Chaplain and founded a ministry called TRUTH BUILDERS. Victor and His wife Sue, have been longtime friends of International Women’s Ministries. For more information about Victor and His many ministry activities you may go here https://advancingnativemissions.com/staff/victor-morris/