By Erin Roland
I feel something stirring! I feel something stirring!
I have heard these words many times but until I was saved and started having
encounters with God I had no idea what they meant. To me it means that God is giving
me an assignment and I better listen up! To me it means that God is birthing something
from the encounters that I have had with Him in the secret place and the altar. To me it
means to let God work my life.
Going to Nicaragua was more than just an opportunity, it was an assignment. You see
when I got saved, God put love in my heart and words in my mouth.
“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
In 2021, when I was in rehab at John 3:17 Ministry, I felt a calling on my life to be in
ministry. I did not feel confident or equipped to do live worthy of this calling, but I knew
that if God is in it, He will make a way for me. I’m thankful that He does not use us
based on our ability, but based on our availability!!
Nicaragua mission 2024, Count the Cost, was a life changing assignment that will
forever hold a special place in my heart. I learned so much about myself, mainly that
“I’m a good missionary”! Or, at least that what my sister said!! No, but really I learned
that there was a lot more that went into missions than just entertaining kids and passing
out food! It is a command that we preach the gospel and plant seeds. I learned that I am
a “developing” leader and that I have some of the best leaders and mentors around. I
learned that reaping the harvest is a process of planting seeds and cultivating soil. It is
not our responsibility to save anyone, it is only our job to plant the seeds and water the
seeds that others have planted before us and that the seeds always produce harvest.
What a harvest we will see in Heaven from the seeds planted and watered in Nicaragua
in 2024!
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony,
and they did not love their lives to the death.”
I was honored to be able to do “all the things” in Nicaragua. I was able to work with the
kids. I learned way more than I was able to teach and that it is not for the faint of heart! I
was able to testify of God’s goodness and grace by giving my testimony two different
times and when I tell you that God will bless you for this it is an understatement. The
response at the altar for prayer for those who have addiction present in their marriage,
and in their adult children’s lives was overwhelming, but I was able to give hope that our
God is greater!
We have three ministries:
1. Unto the Lord in worship and praise.
2. Our Families.
3. The world
I’m thankful that God has given me a burden for the lost and for those in addiction or
abuse! I am thankful that each encounter that I have with our Lord and Savior births an
assignment and our main assignment is spreading the Gospel everywhere we go! I will
never stop testifying of His goodness and grace and what he has done for me and my
family. Send me I’m available, and the Lord is equipping me. Love you all. Erin Kenley,
Nicaragua 2024