Exodus 33:18
Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.”
Moses, longing to experience more of God, made a request: “Show me your glory!” In Hebrew, the word for glory is “dozza,” meaning all that God is, all that God has, and all that God does. Moses wanted God to reveal everything about Him—His essence, all that He possesses, and His capabilities. The request was for more of God! How often do we seek God for more of Him? How frequently do we ask for a deeper knowledge and understanding of Him without bringing our needs? It’s challenging, right?
Our perspective should be, “Show me.” The Bible tells us that Isaiah was undone when God’s glory filled the temple (Isaiah 6). When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven as God’s glory filled the temple (2 Chronicles 7:1-2). Can you imagine it? Transformative glory from heaven—that is what we seek! I am so passionate about this, and I feel inadequate to express it! But who can truly describe His glory and do it justice?
This display of glory came when God’s people were consecrated to Him, worshiping Him authentically… waiting, watching, and listening for His voice. We continuously ask God for many things, but our prayer life should be much more than that. If you haven’t transitioned from making requests to being still, watching, waiting, and worshiping at His feet, I suggest that your prayer life may be shallow.
When I reflect on Moses’s relationship with God, I crave that kind of communion, where I want more of His glory! Show me your glory, Lord! I want all that you are, all that you have, and all that you can do! As we fast and pray this week, let us behold His glory. Revere Him, desire Him, and hunger after Him without asking for any needs except more of Him! Amen and amen!
Pray this prayer with me:
Lord, today I want more of You! I want all that You are, all that You have, and all You can do. I desire to know You better. I need deep communion with You that compels me to walk closer to You. You are all I need. Make me desperate and hungry for You so I can be more like You! In Jesus’ Name! Amen!
Autumn Nims