Trip Report from Philippines

“Go Into All The World”
By Darlene Winans
Mark 16:15-18
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever
believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And
these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will
speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly
poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get
The IWM team – Autumn Nims, Wendy Ellis, Michele DeGarmo, and myself – had the
opportunity to travel to the Philippines to fulfill IWM’s mission, to wipe the tears of our sisters,
to encourage, equip, and empower women around the world to see freedom and deliverance
through Jesus Christ.
To fulfill this mission, we held three women’s conferences, held children’s ministry in two
locations, and one medical mission. It was a two-week trip, and we were busy every single
moment! The missionaries on the ground in the Philippines (and in every nation) know they
have us for a limited time, so they work and push us hard, but it was all our great pleasure to
make the most of every minute while we were there. For myself and for the rest of the team,
we want to thank you for your prayerful support as we traveled and ministered in the
Philippines. It meant a great deal to us!
I could recap every project and mission we completed while in the Philippines, but I want to
focus on one story that impacted me greatly. At one of the women’s conferences, there was a
woman whose history was chilling. Her mother was a witchdoctor in her village, and when the
woman came to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, her mother put a curse on her. Even though
her mother had passed away, she had demonic dreams – nightmares, night terrors – so intense
that she couldn’t sleep, she was afraid to fall asleep. The church prayed and the Lord defeated
the Enemy so that the dreams left her, and she finally could sleep in peace!
However, another effect of the curse that her mother had put on her was that when the
woman would try to read the Word of God, she also would get terrible headaches. This
happened every time she picked up God’s Word! This is what she asked me to pray for her
about. At a two-day conference, she came to the altar on the first night and asked for prayer. I
prayed with her. The second night, she came again to the altar and I again prayed with her.
Upon returning to the U.S., I texted her son, for he was the pastor of the church where the
conference was held, and asked how his mother was doing. Praise God, her headaches are
gone, and she can read the Word of God without any ill effects!

Friends, I tell you that the words in Mark 16:15-18 are not just for Bible times, but God’s word is
true, powerful, and effective today! This woman was under demonic influence, even though
her mother had passed away. But “these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name
they will cast out demons!” By the powerful name of Jesus, this woman was healed and was
delivered! Praise the name of the Lord!
In a world that is looking and searching for something real – I tell you, this gospel is real! The
Lord Jesus is real, and He wants a real relationship with you! He is Savior, He is Friend, He is
closer than a brother!
Those of you reading this – I’m sure you know Jesus – but I want to encourage you to go on a
mission trip with IWM. We are walking out the Great Commission as we go – and the pastors
and missionaries on the ground are so thankful that we came!
If you’ve always wanted to go on a mission trip and never did, God is calling you still! It’s not
too late, I didn’t take my first mission trip until the age of 53. Maybe I was like you, always
finding a reason not to go – I was too young, I didn’t have the money, then I was married, I had
a family, I had a career. . .listen, in your flesh, you will always find a reason not to go. Step out
in faith and find THE reason to go – for God is calling you!
Plans are in the works for trips this year to Nicaragua, Mexico, and Kenya. At IWM, we walk you
through all the steps in getting prepared for the mission trip – passports, packing, fundraising,
answering all your questions. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest, and ask Him if maybe this is your
time to fulfill His calling – to go on a mission trip!
Darlene Winans is the CFO for International Women’s Ministries. For more information about
going on a mission with IWM, contact her at, or Autumn Nims at